
CyObs is an Internet search engine dedicated to providing a complete picture of public networks. Unlike web search engines like Google or Bing, which focus solely on obtaining publicly accessible information from websites, CyObs aims to produce an overview of all devices connected to the Internet.

CyObs is designed to provide prevention and analysis information about actual and future risks for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) connected to the global network.

Its objectives are as follows:

  • Provide concrete and verified images and statistics of Internet security.
  • Provide deep and verified analysis about the Internet vulnerability level and corresponding criminal activities.
  • Provide private or public organisations that use public Internet services with an overview of their specific IT security vulnerabilities and weaknesses.

CyObs answers questions such as how countries are connected to the Internet, what operating systems are used in different regions, and if they may be targets for cyber-criminals. These are questions which web search engines are not able to answer.

All information obtained by CyObs is publicly exposed data in form of banners, which provide information regarding the services running on IP addresses.

Please write us directly at if you would prefer that our scans exclude your IP addresses. In order to blacklist said addresses we will require the IP ranges. Please make sure that you are the owner of the IP address/IP range and that you can provide us with proof of ownership or email us from an address corresponding to the IP address whois information.


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CH – 3011 Bern

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