Switzerland's cyberspace 2024
An Overview of the National Digital Public Attack Surface
This country study of the Swiss Cyberspace is part of Dreamlab Technologies’ initiative to provide an insight into the entire potential attack surface of a nation by using CyObs – a high-precision cyber radar system. It provides a complete view of the actual status of Switzerland’s cyberspace, supplying the essential data and critical insights to proactively reduce the attack surface, as well as to address vulnerabilities and risks. By combining threat detection, risk management and comprehensive insights, this report could assist the Swiss government, critical infrastructure providers and private organisations achieve their cybersecurity objectives.

Key insights from this year’s report include:
- 2.5 million potential vulnerabilities (based on metadata or the version number of the software), wherefrom 421,735 classified as critical and 727,557 classified as high.
- Almost 45% of detected potential vulnerabilities have critical to high severity scores. Top 20 vulnerabilities affected outdated software versions of OpenSSH, Apache, Microsoft and others.
- 50.7% of active domains are within the Swiss IP space; 49.3% of domains are hosted outside of the Swiss cyberspace.
- Only 18.9% of servers for active domains are within the Swiss IP space; 81.1% of servers reside outside of the Swiss cyberspace.
- 12.3 million open ports detected, 0.4 million IPs use plaintext protocols.
- Around 66% of the databases are potentially vulnerable hosts with a database; around 112,745 exposed Remote Administration Interfaces (RAIs) were detected.
- Around 56,000 self-signed and around 17,000 expired SSL/TLS certificates were detected; 27 and 5 with ‘admin.ch’ domains respectively.
Switzerland’s 2024 CyObs Country Report includes:
Executive Summary:
Overview of the challenges and key findings within Switzerland’s cyberspace.Preface:
A preface from Major General Simon Müller, Head of Cyber Command of the Swiss Armed Forces, highlighting challenges and opportunity of Switzerland.
Contemporary Geopolitcal Analysis:
Influences of geopolitical and geoeconomic factors, as well as primary digital economic indicators on Switzerland’s cyber landscape, shedding light on the external forces that shape the country’s digital environment and contribute to the evolution of its cyber policy framework.Analysis of Switzerland’s Cyberspace:
In-depth analysis of the country’s cybersecurity risks, emphasising the composition of the cyberspace and spotlighting high-priority vulnerabilities and weaknesses affecting the national, critical infrastructure and organisations.Recommendations and Conclusions:
Summary on the current general state, observations, identified risks, and recommendations.Download the free report
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